



感謝大家長期的努力與貢獻。EAST已經被國際 Scopus index 接受為其引用索引期刊目錄之一。


East Asian Sport Thoughts


volume 3,2013

2013年 第三期

EAST ISSN號為 2221-9358


1. Preface1 全文
Grant Iarvie and Dong-Ihy Hwang

2. Sport, War, Gender and Nationhood5 全文
Alison Bowes and Alan Bairner

3. What if the Players Controlled the Game? A Radical ProposalConcerning the Crisis of Governance in Sport25 全文
Peter Donnelly

4.Sport, Politics and the Environment as Capability and Freedom51 全文
Grunt Iurvie

5. Past, Present, Future: The Cultural Power of Sport 73 全文
Gerald Gems

6. A Social- Cultural History of Sport in Korea91 全文
Gwung Ok und Kyoung-Ho Park

7. Another Globality of Sport: Towards a Differential Phenomenology of Play and Laughter115 全文
Henning Eichberg

8. Safeguarding Ludodiversity: Chances and Challenges in the Promotion and Protection of Traditional Movement Culture139 全文
Roland Renson

9. Olympic Inspiration? Young People, Sport and Family life159 全文
Elizabeth Such

10.Muffled Identity: Taiwanese Aborigines, National Sport and Identity187 全文
W. Chiu, Dong-Fly Hwang und Alun Buirner

11. Football Fans in Pre-Referendum Scotland: Folk Devils, Space and Place207 全文
Iohn Kelly

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